Behind the Shadow of Oz

Hi Joshua,

This is very interesting news about Wayne Rossiter:

It seems he was critiquing theistic evolution as recently as February 2018.

Is he willing to say publicly why he left the ID movement?

Re Rossiter’s original arguments, it seems to me that evolutionary theory does not require that mutations be genuinely random; it merely declares that they are not biased towards producing favorable outcomes. Divinely guided mutations on a small scale (such as may have occurred in human evolution) are quite compatible with the absence of any overall bias towards particular outcomes on a large scale. Also, unbiased mutations could be generated by God using a pseudo-random device. Should this be the case, I don’t think it follows that God is responsible for every case of death and suffering in the world. Foresight is not the same as intent.

[Moderator Edit: @Wayne_Rossiter clarifies below that he has not left the ID movement]

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