Blessed with some amazing discoveries

I’m new to this site so let me start by saying hello to everyone. I have been blessed with the discovery of some truly amazing things; things that appear to totally defy scientific explanation. I have been contacting scientists for over 12 years and to date, no one has been able to explain any of this. I don’t want to sit here and waste forum space and time so, I guess I should first ask if this is the right place to discuss such a topic?

I will leave it to more senior members of the forum to opine on whether your discussion would be appropriate, but welcome to the group!

Hello Chappy!. Speaking for myself, I could probably live without.


Why don’t you give us a rough outline of what these discoveries are and we can go from there.

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Hello Chappy, and welcome to Peaceful Science! :slight_smile:

While I don’t want to be discouraging, things that actually defy current scientific explanation are usually quite well known problems, like the nature of dark matter, the cures for cancers, etc… I think we could easily come up with a long list of things like that.

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There’s no harm in posting the details. If you’re onto something, you may be able to get some advice on how to follow it through. On the other hand, if you’re mistaken then you may be able to get some feedback on where the problems lie.

Just one word of warning though: you’ll likely find your claims are subjected to some pretty tough scrutiny. You’ll be expected to provide evidence, to cite your sources, and to make sure that what you say is accurate. Things that don’t go down well are such things as sloppiness, falsehood, unsubstantiated assertions, resistance to critique, over-inflated claims, or expecting us to do your homework for you. But if your findings are evidence-based and well researched then it would be interesting to hear about them.


I think one could add the nature of matter to this list

This all began back in 2010 with a little stone called “The tear of Christ.” This stone is littered with all sorts of strange things as inclusions, the things that baffle me the most are the two life forms and a little sheet of metal. The life forms look as if they just died yesterday, one is a worm that I’m told is an unknown genus and the other I’m told is a conodont from 220-483 million years ago. That little piece of metal was examined by a scientist at the USGS, they said that it was pure aluminum and that they could not explain how this could be. This is just a small part of a very long story but hopefully this will give you an ideal as to what I’m talking about. I have tons of photos of some very strange things.


Can we see this stone, along with it’s inclusions?

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According to Wiki, aluminum can be found as a native metal. Gold is perhaps one of the native metals people are most familiar with.

I find most of your comment puzzling, but let’s just start with this: How did this stone get its name? Did you just decide to call it that? How little is it, exactly?

I was researching the stone because I thought that it was the platinum ore sperrylite, but it turned out to be pyrite. I was finding a lot of things about this stone that just did not add up to typical pyrite, so I made up a story about how the stone was created. I wrote that when Christ was on the cross, he shed one tear that fell to the grown and that all of the precious elements in the earth surrounded the tear and created this stone. It was after I wrote this story that I start finding all of these strange items. I had an edx, xrd, xrf and a raman analysis done on this pyrite. The edx and xrf scans detected over 28 different elements in this stone, mostly precious metals. I do have photos that I can share, how do I go about uploading photos to this site and what are the file size limits?

So are you saying you did two identical analyses of the stone, but got different results after you made up the story about it being Jesus’s tear?

You didn’t answer about the size of this stone.

This might be what @Chappy is referring to?

In any case, it would seem reasonable to consult a geologist.

He’s been contacting scientists for 12 years. Given that this is a rock he is talking about, I would assume at least some of them were geologists, but hopefull @Chappy will confirm.

Yes, I have taken this stone in to a number of geologists searching for answers, they were the ones that recommended all of these scans, but the scans created more questions than they answers. I’m not an expert on electronic scans but I was told that edx would only detect slightly below the surface and xrf would detect what was deep within the stone. I was told that when you scan typical pyrite you will detect the element S, Fe and about six traces elements. The elements detected here were; Au, Ag, Pt, Ir, Pd, Rh, Ro, Fe, Mg, W, Al, Ni, Zn, Cu, Co, Cr, Si, Ca, Ti, K, P, Na, C, S, Cl, O and Pb. It was recommended that try acid testing and when I did, things grew out of the solution that could not be identified or explained. Just one mystery after another.

The second picture down reminds me of slag that is used on railroad beds. Years ago, my dad and I were actually curious about some of the rocks we found on our local train tracks. They were quite dense and were quite impressive when viewed through polarized sunglasses, a lot like the first and second photos. We sent some samples to a geologist we kind of knew. Without us telling him anything about where we got it from, he said it was probably railroad slag.


I know what you’re talking about, and it does look just like that but as you can see in this photo below, it’s loaded with little, tiny crystals. In sunlight its a sparkling tin white color but in room light it looks more yellow. Pyrite is a very common mineral found all over the world but for some reason this piece appears to defy scientific explanation.

Really need much bigger pictures to tell. And no it doesn’t appear to defy explanation. It looks like a really messy slag full of all sorts of dirty inclusions.