Can a Common Design model be useful?

If that happens, it’s settled: There is no God.


Never heard of Sauron’s version?


No, it can’t be, since no modern orders (possible exception of inarticulate brachiopods) existed in the Cambrian, and the same is true for families, genera, and species. He’s talking about the supposed lack of intermediates in the fossil record between taxa at all levels. This is of course untrue, but it’s not about the Cambrian.

Further, he doesn’t understand that the conclusion if we believe all that is that every species was independently created, which he refuses to accept. Horses and donkeys, at least, must be the same kind. He can’t reconcile that discrepancy because he refuses to notice it.

It would be traditional at this point to also mention the small, shelly fauna and the increasing diversity of ichnofossils in the 25 million years prior to the visible explosion.

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No, but if you hum a few bars, I’ll fake it.


Let’s goooo!

Ti pa, pa pa ti pa,
Ti pa, pa pa ti pa,
Chiki chiki chiki,


6 posts were split to a new topic: Nine circles of moderation

Good point. Noted too.

Another solid point. I didn’t know this before.


Just an observation from a lurker.
This thread again suffered from too many points being raised and discussed. It allows the following cycle

post creator
Claim 1 - x shows this
Claim 2 - y shows this

Respondent 1
Response to claim 1 - But x doesn’t work because of…
Response to claim 2 - y doesn’t work because of…

Respondent 2
Response 3 - also this…

Post creator
Answers response 1 and response 3 which spawns a side line and doesn’t address B

Original poster later in discussions raises claim 2 again as never addressed the objections to it and feels it is still valid. Also raises 1 again as no agreement reached that invalid or valid. And around and around we go with more and more points getting raised and more and more never successfully addressed

It would be more productive to say:
Claim 1 - x shows this
Claim 2 - y shows this

Ok - let’s camp on claim 1 and not move onto anything else before an agreement is reached on whether this is valid or not. Otherwise it will just cycle again and again and again.
If it turns out no agreement can be reached then park it and move on, but not until sure that enough has been raised to show both parties that a misunderstanding is present and the claim needs to be rejected, can be kept, or just isn’t ever going to reach agreement.

Just my two penny’s worth. Not sure how easy it will be to do

If you can find it and are interested enough, I recommend The Cambrian Explosion by Doug Erwin & Jim Valentine.


The most detailed material from a book that I have on the Cambrian explosion is in Don Prothero’s book, What the Fossils Say. I am not sure I will get your recommended book, but If I can then it should surely make for an informative and interesting read. Thanks.

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Yes, I have actually done this already. So I encourage everyone to respond here:

Are Random mutations and Common Descent fundamentally intertwined processes? - Peaceful Science