Look at the interview section here: Reviews and Interviews on The Genealogical Adam and Eve. If needed, we will start doing finer level categorization (e.g., which ones are video?), but right now it isn’t too hard to figure out.
Already over 5K. They also want to have me back. Here are some of the comments:
One of the best episodes of CC ever. Gonna grab that book!
We need to have these conversations. This is a hot topic, and as a Christian I am certainly not afraid of controversy. I was sorry to not have been able to be here when it was live - so please invite Dr. Swamidass back soon. One thing which really surprised me is that science does not have a way to define what is human, maybe this is the area where philosophy needs to step in. Thanks, good conversation.
I gotta be honest. While I don’t agree with everything said, I have to admit that it was hard for to deny many of the arguments said. Im not a biologist but im quite modest in the Philosophy of Science. I’ll check out the book. Im not a theist but I do need something new to read.
@John_Rood Yes! I’ve often thought Dr. Swamidass’ view deserved more consideration in conversations about Adam and it is splendid to see him on this channel!
In reading some of these comments, I can see why Dr. Swamidass in other conversations says that he has received more ad hominen attacks from Christians than secular scientists. I think the overall tone that Swamidass presents is being missed. His goal is to open up the dialogue of possibilities for the proper interpretation of Scripture. He completely affirms the Genesis account of Adam and Eve. He is humble enough to understand that his thesis should be critically assessed and changed as warranted.
Additionally, please note that the beautiful part of his work means that how evolution can be viewed in light of Scripture is an IN HOUSE discussion. That is, evolution and Christianity are NOT in conflict and should not be used as an obstacle for faith in Christianity (this goes for non-theists and Christians alike). As a Christian, when speaking with non-believers, one should always concede that God could have used the process Swamidass offers and move on to Jesus. In my opinion, a Christian should not argue evolution and Christianity with those outside the church because it is a non-essential.
And one negative person to balance the crowd…
Get over it; Fossil and DNA evidence prove evolution to be a fact whether you like it or not. The Adam&Eve story was made up out of arguments from ignorance by the early confused folks to soothe their discomfort with their ignorance. Today, they can’t be blamed, but you my friend should really be ashamed of yourself for having the same intellect as them.
Okay, one more:
However, the idea of evolution goes completely against the entire grain of what God is accomplishing in the Gospel. The scriptures teach that death is part of the curse which God placed on Creation as a consequence of Adams sin. Through the death of Christ the curse of death will be removed as Christ deals with the problem of sin. However, if evolution is true, death precedes sin, in fact, God is responsible for death and used it as a means by which He would create living things (using evolution). There is a significant gospel conflict here which fundamentally undermines what Christ accomplished at the cross and also brings the character of God into question. If evolution is true God is the author of death… would be happy to discus further.