I was talking to a young earth creationist earlier who was attempting to refute carbon dating. I’d just said that carbon 14 dating is only used to date fossils younger than 50,000 years. Anything beyond that may be dated using other methods such as Potassium-Argon, Rubidium-Strontium, Uranium-Lead dating methods. He said:
“This has been a personal, specialty topic I have studied for years on. And I’m not merely talking about reading the “known publications either”. I’m doing actual research and calculations on these topics (just not able to do it consistently or get access to the real equipment I need). You have a major flaw in that argument too. Affirming the consequent. How do you know something is that old? That’s one thing few people realize about these dating methods. They don’t work…unless you already know the answer they are supposed to give.
I know full they wouldn’t think about using it. But what happens when it does…and it does…ALL THE TIME? Would you trust a calculator that gives numeric answers for dividing by zero? Would you trust a calculator that never was tested nor programmed to correctly handle division by zero (throwing an error flag)? Then why trust those methods that NEVER WENT THROUGH RIGOROUS SCIENTIFIC TESTING? How can I claim that? Because the errors they keep finding have always been AFTER the fact, not prior to any publication.
When your weigh scale measures a feather to be that of a 500-lb brick…you know the weigh scale is wrong. The same is true about ALL of these dating methods. They always get known facts wrong.”
Do I even bother responding?