"CASE": Let the C.hristians A.ffirm the S.cience of E.volution


If you can imagine the most rare and exotic example of Christian it seems there is always at least one man or woman, living or dead, who happily embrace said Christianity (“rare and exotic”).

Who could have imagined Jehovah’s Witnesses somewhat chilling belief that after 144,000 transmigrate to the bosom of the Father, all the rest of humanity is obliterated.

Or anticipate the Mormon theology describing virtually all humanity going to 1 of 3 (or more?) different levels of Heaven… and that the more descendants a man has (from multiple wives), the more spiritual authority a man earns - - until the man earns his own planet!

Why do I linger on the magnificent diversity which Christianity can produce?

Because for every Christian like you (“a Christian who views A&E as mythological” and has no interest in "promot[ing] [GAE]), it is quite likely that there is also a Christian like you - - who devotes much of his or her energy to promote GAE!

BioLogos has, or had?, a large number of Christians who felt Adam/Eve were just poetic allegory. And yet, they spent many hours attempting to convince YECs that Adam/Eve didnt have to be historical … to bring more Christians away from superstition to science.

@Mercer , here is the rub!: an historical Adam&Eve differs from all the other possible apologia (including six days of creation, tower of Babylon, the global flood, 12 actual sons, etc) because the amazing St Augustine hung the doctrine of Original Sin, like an albatross, around the necks of A&E!

After 17 centuries, Western culture has placed a uniquely crucial function to Original Sin. If there was no historical A&E, then there could not be Original Sin! The irony is that during the past 17 years, millions of Eastern Orthodox Christians have lived lives devoted to Christ - - without any belief in Original Sin, even going so far as to intentionally oppose Augustine’s doctrine!

So here is why Christians like you might might be inspired to promote GAE: GAE makes it possible to cling to an historical Adam/Eve WITHOUT dismantling Evolutionary science in the process!