Chemically and Electrically Assisted Nuclear Reactions and YEC

Here is another nice moon basalt dating result:


This shows the isochrons of two different dating methods of the same sample, Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr. Not only do the two methods each yield very good isochrons, but the resulting ages are identical within their respective uncertainty ranges.

So here we have double consilience. Note that the Rb-Sr half life is about 48 Billion years, and the Sm-Nd half life is more than twice that, about 106 Billion years. Even if there was something causing a change in these decay rates (never demonstrated, apart from very small changes under some highly exceptional conditions that don’t occur on the surface of the Moon), it would have to be something that changes each rate in a different but highly specific way so that the results still give the same age. Remember, at the time of formation of the rock the points would all lie on a horizontal line in each plot. Over time, because of the decay, the points move whilst preserving their alignment.

(Figure from here , modified from here. )

ETA: This is the sample (approx. 4 cm across) (more info here)

What do you make of that, Sal?