I say that in about one more century H.sapiens will hopefully become fully civilized humans.
I stepped into that one!
I hope we become more civilized in the future too.
@Patrick, have listened to this video yet? Micah Bournes on Evolution and Injustice. Please do. One of the disturbing things about civilization is that it seems to render us much less civilized.
Yeah, but it does give us Coca-Cola, mobile phones and the CIA!
I was pleased when I saw your mention of the C.I.A. - - New York’s Culinary Institute of America
just doesn’t get enough attention in this civilized world!
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True Civilisation is when your society is so organised according to scientific principles that any new scientific paradigm would cause its economic and social collapse. For this we have the Culinary Institute to keep everything intact.
EDIT: Expanded here.
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