A brief thought about this. I have my disagreements with BioLogos, but on these distinctions I think they may be as confused as the rest of us.
Remembering the Sandbox Parable of @jrfarris, perhaps they identify with Sally’s anger a good deal, seeing her side of the story in the conflict with ID Johnny. They also see the inheritance of science, and want to be faithful stewards of it alongside Sally. They place their loyalty with her, and echo her side of the conflict. They might come to confine themselves too much to the scientific sandbox now, perhaps out of a confused sense of loyalty, and perhaps not really understanding the rules in the first place. Their conflict with me, for these reasons, may be more confused loyalty than a well considered engagement with Sally or Johnny. Or, for that matter, me.
That would explain why they’ve struggled ot make sense of a de novo Adam, and were genuinely surprised when it was received as good science. They do not, actually, seem to understand The Rules of the Game. Though they have aligned themselves with science, they often cross lines they shouldn’t.
Ironically, I’m freely moving between inside and outside the sandbox, but they may be less trusted by Sally, because they don’t play by the rules quite right inside the sandbox. Sally, after all, does not care what I do outside her sandbox.