Well I guess if you censor me in the Nelson thread, I will just post here. Nelson is correct in that Dr S has leaned on MN and prevailing science and Nelson simply says basically, I’m not playing that game.
You think he has to play given that he must practice your science or he is a charlatan, but you are mistaken. Your science is not the only game in town and, besides, your science has already had to bow the knee to Nelson’s science at least once. (Many more times than once, but there is the one I like right now).
He answers @John_Harshman well regarding nested hierarchies and similarities. You think similarities hark back to CA but here is where your science must bow to Bible science. The Cambrian tells a completely different story of a top-down construction to body plans. So from where do similarities arise? Bottom-up only? Not at all. Clearly yours is not the only good science around.
And how exactly is your science seen to “bow” to Bible science. Because the Cambrian explosion is found in the first chapter of the book when God said let the waters teem with life.
There you have it. Nelson is correct. Even if your science only bowed one time - and it happened in this verse - that is enough leverage for him to say, “I’m not playing your game.” What does it mean? His science is just as valid as yours.
Life existed in the oceans for 3.5 billion years before the Cambrian including at least 100 million years of multicellular life. How does your Bible science explain those facts?
Sorry, that won’t work, because the Cambrian explosion came before there were any plants, yet plants appear on Day 3 and sea animals not until Day 5. Further, birds come along on Day 5 also, yet in reality they’re long after the Cambrian and long after land animals, Day 6.
And God said, “Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the vault of the sky.”
If this verse is referring to the Cambrian explosion—and that’s news to me—are you thereby claiming that birds were flying around during the Cambrian???
If there were birds during the Cambrian, why don’t we find bird fossils among the fossil Protichnites and Climactichnites?
Another problem with the Cambrian explosion interpretation is that everything in the sea was created on the same day. That would be all the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic “kinds” rather than just the Cambrian “kinds”. It doesn’t say “let the water teem with the first living creatures that then evolve over millions of years into what we see later on”. The living creatures teeming in the water in the Cambrian are very different from the ones teeming in the water now.
Well congratulations. You guys have this all sewn up. Silence the dissenting voices that actually speak reason, and you win. Congrats. Nelson is a scientist just as much as anyone on this forum if not more. He not only deserves to be heard. He deserves to be respected, something you do not seem to know how to give. Congrats. You own your own little world now. Hope you can keep it spinning.
Actually, he’s a philosopher. To my knowledge he’s never done any science and wouldn’t claim to be a scientist. Nor is anyone silencing him; I can’t imagine what could have prompted your complaint.
If his science is just as good, then he ought to get busy publishing discoveries and filing patent based on his science. That doesn’t happen, we never see that from Creation Science. That would be unfair though, because this isn’t about science; it’s about the struggle of people to adapt their cherished beliefs in a rapidly changing world.
Just realized this page is not visible on the main forum page. So I am not interested. That only reflects affirmatively on the idea that you are a pack of overinflated, self-appointed “scientists”. No more from me on this page. @pnelson deserves a round of applause for not only holding his own against the likes of you but actually coming out on top in basically every discussion he has had with you. Good day.
@r_speir, we endeavor to give professionals such as @pnelson the best visibility possible.
I know you think you were helping him, but he is ID and is not arguing for YEC. Your comments were distracting from his point. If you’d like, I can copy them here for you to see.
Accusations of treating people unfairly do not belong on the front page of the site. It is boring and off putting. They are still accessible to anyone and public, which is better most forums would allow. If all you want to do is grandstand and decry us, this is not the right venue any ways. I’m sure you can find a more receptive audience for that sort of posturing in a YEC forum.
On the other hand, if you’d like to understand us or help us understand you, there is quite a lot of good that can come of it.
The irony is killing me. Are you going to keep continuing to accuse PS of censorship? I don’t agree with how everything is handled on here sometimes, but they have never censored anyone. That is quite evident.
Complete rubbish and diversion. You have not even attempted a rebuttal of Meyer’s analysis of the Cambrian. You and yours are only kidding yourselves. Answer the top-down scenario and stop the diversion tactics.