I just finished a ROUGH draft of the common design theory. I went as far as I possibly could with it and made all the necessary changes and omissions to the theory I constructed with the non-believers on this forum. More importantly, the article has been edited and informally peer-reviewed. I even asked , my editor whether I addressed their main objections and she and her team informed me that I was successful in addressing the alleged fatal objections in the article. Here it is…
Dear author,
I have edited your manuscript for language and grammar. I believe you have addressed the objections adequately. However, there are still a few areas that need further clarification. There are also some good arguments in the appendices that could be incorporated into the main text if you feel they are important enough. Please see my notes for more details. Overall, the manuscript is much more clear and detailed than in previous rounds of editing, and is coming together very nicely. It appears that you are nearing submission readiness; if you require help with journal formatting or cover letter creation, please contact us and we will be happy to help.
For any of you who may doubt the amount of scientific rigor this manuscript has gone through, let me briefly describe the process it went through.
I purchased scientific editing services from a company called Editage. This service consisted of three senior experts with 20-plus years of experience in my field of research who reviewed and shared critical feedback on improvements to the paper. These 03 senior experts worked at every stage of the paper’s development, which involved…1. A peer-review process that check the paper for content check and improvement 2. an editing process that checked the paper for language quality and improvements 3. A senior Editor who checked the language quality as well as the technical quality check of your paper making it publication ready.
More importantly, every time I sent this article for rework, the paper was assigned to the same set of experts who worked on each round of rework. A total of 10 rounds were sent out to check the paper for its merits and validity and clarity.
I posted the objections the expert is referring to in post 320:
Universal Common Designer, Part VI? - Peaceful Science
Now, I acknowledge that this does not guarantee publication in a secular scientific journal. As the Editage website even said, “Publication depends largely on the quality of your research and is a subjective decision that the journal editor takes based on several factors.”.
Professional English Editing Service, Scientific Editing, Academic Translation and Publication Support Services | Editage
Nevertheless, at the very least, we can say that we finally have a comprehensive theory of intelligent design. A job well done everyone!
Now, I want to shift gears to the topic at hand. I need to know from fellow Christians what they think we should do next in advancing this theory forward, so we potentially end this conflict and much more.
Should we send it to a secular scientific journal?
Should we invite someone from ReasonstoBelieve (RTB) to evaluate this article similar to Winston’s dependency graph?
Or do a combination of the two?
What’s the best course of action going forward now?
This time around I am going to need input from Christian scientists who have not commented much or at all on the theory. However, non-christians or secular scientists are, of course, welcomed since your contributions made the most impact on the article.
Again, the common design theory has been informally peer-reviewed and EDITED. This means that you guys should not have any problem reading it and accept the arguments that successfully address the main objections non-christians have made on here.
Just make sure you read the whole article and most of the sources BEFORE you respond on here. Or read as much as you need to be convinced. Otherwise, it will take longer for everyone to accept the claim that God is a well tested scientific theory. Here it is…
There are of course some very technical elements in the article. So if you guys have any further questions, please ask away and I will do my best to answer.
God bless