I can’t wait to see how you guys weasel your way out of this one:
Tree (automata theory) - Wikipedia
Yes, let me clarify this point so we can get on the same page. As Hugh Ross has explained:
"Convergence refers to the occurrence of identical, or nearly identical, anatomical, physiological, and/or genetic features in species of life that are unrelated or distantly related within an evolutionary paradigm. Both theists and nontheists offer explanations for convergence, but those explanations are radically different.
Theists see convergence resulting from supernatural, super-intelligent interventions by a single Creator who employs a single, optimal solution to address a common set of problems faced by organisms possessing different characteristics and living in different habitats.
Nontheists conjecture that convergence occurs when unrelated species encounter identical, or nearly identical, environmental, predatory, and/or competitive selection effects. In other words, nontheists suggest that natural selection channels randomly occurring variations in unrelated species toward identical outcomes."
So we would expect to find convergent evolution in genes and morphology for both models. This includes nested patterns AND their so-called violations of it, as both of you even alluded to. However, the real differences are the frequency in which they happen.
The common descent model claims that it is rare because of the constraints of natural selection acting on random mutations. On the other hand, common design claims that it is ubiquitous because we are dealing with non-random mutations.
It seems that only time will tell from future discoveries. But then again, the ecology criteria might be able to speed up the process and allow us to find out sooner which model is more useful.
Well, it depends. What percentage or number is feasible enough to be considered validation for the common design hypothesis rather than common descent?
Without providing a number on your end, I don’t see the point of researching the number of cases on my end.
Let me bring in Mike Gene, an ID proponent who wrote the Design Matrix, to explain it a different way:
"One of the criticisms of the front-loading hypothesis is that you can’t design a genome in a unicellular organism to evolve specific organs, tissues, biochemical systems, etc., several billion years in the future. But convergent evolution neatly answers this criticism.
A classic example of convergent evolution is the eye in the octopus and the mammalian eye.
The human eye and octopus eye both have the following tissues:
Ciliary muscle.
Optic nerve.
Furthermore, the arrangement of these parts are practically the same. And these two systems have arisen independently, through convergent evolution (i.e., they are not related through common descent; see Ogura et al., 2004). This means that these two organs have evolved as a result of the initial state of the last common ancestor of mammals and octopuses.
In short, the convergent evolution of these two organs demonstrates that a genome can be programmed to evolve a given objective. If we ran the “clock of life” backwards (to borrow from Stephen J. Gould), human-like eyes would probably appear on the scene once again. In other words, the same system keeps popping up again and again.
And this is evidence that a given objective can be front-loaded, starting with a specified initial state. The eye is a beautiful example of convergent evolution, wherein 8 separate “parts” independently came together in the same arrangement to produce the function of vision.
Are there examples of convergent evolution in biochemical systems? If so, this would provide evidence that not only can organs be front-loaded, but so too can biochemical systems."
Alright, let’s go back to my thesis…nested patterns are due to a common blueprint and mechanisms (i.e. homolpasy and non-random mutations) the designer used to front load the reproductive and survival capacity into basic types to adapt to their respective environments.
This means that the genes necessary for their origin did not have to gradually evolve, because the genes necessary for their origin were in the original life forms.
This also means that different ecology or environments should delineate separate basic types since they are supposed to be preprogrammed to survive and reproduce under a particular environment.
If the hypothesis is incoherent and you don’t understand it, then how do you know the studies don’t support it?
Right, this is why I added more clarity to the criterion in the event that a set of basic types are in the same habitat. Again, If the answer is ‘No’ or ‘TBD’ to the question of “Is there a substantial difference in Habitat?”, then we ask a follow-up question, Do they respond differently in a different habitats?. (this may require artificially planting them in different habitats for an answer)
If the answer is ‘yes’ to either question, we can automatically conclude that God constructed each basic type separately. If not, we rely on other measures to make a definitive conclusion.