The Argument Clinic

I acknowledge that this is far from being a rigorous statistical method. However, I provide a cursory view of how to test for common design. In the future, experts in this field can and fill in the details and make scientifically appropriate improvements.

For now, I just need feedback on whether it is a sound and valid method to test for common design.

Common descent suggests complex ones emerged from other complex multicellular organisms. However, this apparently only applies to fish to amphibians, amphibians to reptiles, reptiles to birds and mammals, apes to humans. Is that correct?

If so, there is another prediction from the common design model that suggests those links are only apparent. The methods proposed by Baraminiologist have shown discontinuties between some of those groups, such as birds and reptiles. My ecology method should also be able to decipher whether your claims are true.

No, I am asking for enough intermediate fossils that show an aniimals evolving into completely different animal, such as reptiles to birds. This is not the same thing as asking for every single fossil that has fossilized because it is not necessary to find every fossil for a sequence. Again, just enough to support the extraordinary claim of transmutation.

Now, you are contradicting what @T_aquaticus has suggested:

"With evolution we only expect superficial similarities, and that is exactly what we see. For example, birds and bats both have wings, but the underlying skeletal structure of the wings are very different. Sharks and dolphins have superficially similar pectoral fins, but the underlying structure of the dolphin fin is much more like the human arm than it is the shark fin.

This shouldn’t be the case with convergence if it is supernaturally created. There is no reason to create only superficial resemblances when it is possible to make the entire feature identical. There is no reason to only change a little sequence here and there so tiny bits are similar. Instead, it is entirely possible to make whole genes the same sequence across distantly related species.

So the expectations are not the same, not by a million miles."

Did you know that Orch OR is an intelligent design hypothesis:

"On the biological side, Orch OR is fully consistent with known neuroscience, action of anesthetics and psychoactive drugs; generates testable predictions (some validated, none refuted); has medical and philosophical implications; provides mental states with causal power and intentional awareness; and surpasses other theories of consciousness in terms of evidence and testability. Similar to panpsychism, Orch OR implies that qualia, ie, feelings, preceded life. "

Ch20-9780124201903_aq 1…1 (

So since AFAIK no one has found unicorns, I can conclude that all those unicorns never even existed?

To answer your question though, Yes we can conclude this because we expect enough of those fossils to be there that would show a transition from one animal to another.

Pick one group you think is a basic type. How did it arise?

The Equidae family or basic type arose from within the earth, which was shaped by Orch-OR consciousness through microtubules

How do you know it’s a basic type?

Sudden appearance of the Equidae family (i.e. lack of precursor ancestor fossils)

Hybridization within Equidae were successful

A clear cut fossil lineage within the Equidae family

Ecology criteria shows common design features of Odd-toed group rather than common ancestor

Because the designer used common mechanisms, blueprint, and purposes, which naturally produce nested patterns.

"Orchestrated objective reduction (Orch OR ) is a theory which postulates that consciousness originates at the quantum level inside neurons, rather than the conventional view that it is a product of connections between neurons. The mechanism is held to be a quantum process called objective reduction that is orchestrated by cellular structures called microtubules."

Orchestrated objective reduction - Wikipedia

“Geochemical and physical evidence suggests that a stepwise
increase in oxygen occurred around 1.1-0.54 billion years
(Ga) (1–5) and was a necessary precondition to support the
physiological needs of large metazoans”

Science Express Logo Report

Yes, this is what I meant .