Constructive Neutral Evolution

I never said they were. All I was saying is that if most mutations are neutral, wouldn’t that mean their impact on fitness cannot be detected (due to noise, etc), nor selected for?

Can you elaborate?

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This is not a fair criticism. The basic point that ID makes is not “It couldn’t happen”.
That would be a ridiculous claim because obviously these things happened and that’s why life and bio diversity exists.
The basic claim by ID scientists is that it couldn’t happen without intelligent intervention… and the counterclaim (by evolutionary biologists) is that it could.

Listing out rearrangements doesn’t really tell us anything unless its backed by a theory that shows the mechanism… and if these are all chance happenings…
Well, that’s a pretty tall claim.

First of all: “ID scientists” is an oxymoron. Second, ID encompasses all sorts of views, but the view that it (common descent) did happen appears to be a minority one, largely restricted to Behe and Denton. The rest are in favor of separate creation of one sort or another.

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Seems to me @NLENTS was spot-on.


Evolutionary theory describes the multiple mechanisms. What mechanisms does ID have besides POOF! MAGIC! ?

It’s also a pretty pathetic strawman as no one says ot thinks evolution happens just by chance.


Thanks for pointing this out; in this case it’s hard to tell if @NLENTS words were intentionally misrepresented, and I think it’s reasonable to assume carelessness but the response to his post was misleading at best.