Correcting a Quote Mine on Deleterious Mutations

Help me understand why what you’re saying is not contradictory with what @CrisprCAS9 says.

I see you saying we do know DFE (more mutations are neutral and deleterious) and natural selection is relaxed in humans which explains why GE is not true.

I see him and others saying we can’t know DFE (therefore GE is wrong and you’re wrong) and natural selection also wont see those same mutations (so they will accumulate). But he also agrees natural selection is relaxed somehow and would normally see those mutations. To me, it seems like you contradict each other and sometimes yourselves.

I’ll try to watch it later, but it was already obvious from the thread he didn’t understand their argument so I’m not sure why I would be convinced of his critique of their paper.

It’s mildly amusing that we’re talking about an increase in fitness for 1 mutant out of 1000s and you see the need to argue that it matters whether it’s disputed or not. To me, this makes scientists look unscientific.

Is there any research to show the extent to which it is relaxed? Or what would be expected if it was not?