Comments on Sanford and Carter respond to PS participants

For the sake of the moderators, and as requested, I’m replying to you here from the other thread.

I don’t think I’ve read @Rumraket as saying we know specifically what the DFE for neutral mutations is. Just that more mutations (of all sorts) are deleterious than beneficial. This is clearly true, but doesn’t imply anything about the detailed DFE for neutrality.

For neutrality. Not for non-neutral mutations.

Neutrality just means drift is the dominant force, not that they are invisible to selection. Neutral mutations will accumulate, the question is the DFE for those mutations. Which we don’t know.

Humans, especially our ancestors, have had fairly low effective population sizes compared to, for instance, mice. This means that a greater percentage of mutations will be effectively neutral, as detailed by Keightley. As our effective population size increases, selection becomes more efficient and is able to remove what had previously accumulated as neutral mutations.

I don’t think he and I disagree on anything of note.