Again, absolutely incorrect in the Rig.Vedas the oldest scrolls of the Hindus Brahman is mentioned.I can even give you this as an example…
“God is only One and it is wise to call Him by different names. This is stated in the Vedas – the ‘Sanathana Dharma’ (Eternal Righteousness) now called Hinduism. The Sanskrit verse reads ‘Ekam Sath Viprah Bahudha Vadanti’ meaning: Truth (God) is One […] the wise men call It by various names.’”
The Hindus agree with me that it’s one God known by a 1000 names.Still waiting on your reply to the king.Being literal not metaphorical thank you…
Whoa there, you’re interpretation that Hindu’s agree with you is very different from Hindu’s saying they agree with you. At best this is a sweeping generalization. Speaking for your own beliefs is one thing; telling others what they believe is something else.
The problem with interpreting any sort of scripture “literally” is that it can only be literal in a figurative sense.
And, as you just admitted, maybe we are NPC’s. “We are not sure either way.”
Exactly. Which makes if very difficult to argue that we are in a world that had a creator, since there is no possible world that is incompatible with that proposition.
Absolutely incorrect im showing how the following from Hinduism is almost word for word what i stated earlier.
"God is only One and it is wise to call Him by different names. This is stated in the Vedas – the ‘Sanathana Dharma’ (Eternal Righteousness) now called Hinduism. The Sanskrit verse reads ‘Ekam Sath Viprah Bahudha Vadanti’ meaning: Truth (God) is One […] the wise men call It by various names.’”
I see that you conveniently left out revelation 4 , which is one hundred percent undeniably , a literal description of physical material objects on the throne.
It is literally a description, or perhaps a literary description, but descriptions are necessarily figurative.
Still very different from a single Hindu agreeing with you, much less all of them. Even then you are making a bandwagon argument about the beliefs of two peoples, Christian and Hindu. Speaking for your own beliefs is one thing; telling others what they believe is something else.
Sure, fair enough.Ancient Hinduism agrees with me 100% as evidence in their own scrolls.In fact, what they said was almost word-for-word.What I said, however, modern day Hinduism has deteriorated to polytheism and I cannot speak for them.No problem.I will a hundred percent agree to that.
That’s exactly why I said their religion deteriorated from monotheism to polytheism , please read , thank you. I understand that they have a caste system now and multiple gods.That exactly my point originally in their oldest books , the rig veda they were monotheistic.
Either way, in the Rig Veda as I have already proven, it was almost word for word.What I said about the one God having a 1000 different names.Thank you. I don’t care what Hindus believe now I have said multiple times they have clearly deteriorated into polytheism from monotheism.
Revelation 4 is a describes physical objects in detaikll therefore it is literal. Revelation 4 is describing God’s throne.If God is not literally a king , then why does he literally have a throne?
Also, my analogy of a composer, writing a composition that he himself cannot stand but is only for the benefit of his audience is valid.Kindly defeat that as well.
No I believe that we do have free will that statement means that we as humanity have not reached a scientific consensus as to whather free will exists or not.That’s different from my personal belief which is that we have free will.
No I never admitted and we are N.P.C.'s, I’m saying that we have free will.So we are all the main character in the story of our own life at the very least.If not the lives of the other people we also happen to touch. How is that a npc?
Without free will we are npc’s.
It’s not incompatible at all. The designer has free reign to design and create the game however, they deem fit and if God is truly omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, that means his level of intelligence is much higher than any human being’s capabilities.
Much higher than even AI or AGI or any form of artificial intelligence yet to be created. That means that his knowledge is greater and whatever purpose served is greater as well, and clearly beyond our scope.
During these 5 years, have you ever had an opportunity to enlighten yourself by reading the Rig veda or other Hindu holy texts?They are quite breathtaking as I will evidence here:
Na dvitityo Na triyaschthurtho naapyuchyate|
N a panchamo Na shshtah sapthmo naapyuchyate|
Nashtamo Na navamo dashamo naapyuchyate|
Yagna yetham devamekavritham veda||
Sa sarvassai vi pashyathi yachha praanathi yachhana|
Tamidam nigatam sah sa yesha yeka yekavrideka yeva|
Ya yetham devamekavritham veda||
Atharva 13.4[2]19-20
**There is no second God, nor a third, nor is even a fourth spoken of**
** There is no fifth God or a sixth nor is even a seventh mentioned.**
** There is no eighth God, nor a ninth. Nothing is spoken about a tenth even.**
** This unique power is in itself. That Lord is only one, the only omnipresent. It is one and the only one.**
A more categorical, effective, emphatic and impressive refutation of polytheism cannot be imagined. The *Vedas reject the multiplicity of Gods in the clearest possible terms and speak about One God, who is Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient and absolutely and absolutely formless, who is ever unmanifest and who never assumes human forms or never descends on earth in any form- human or otherwise. Rig-Veda says “Vishwarkya vimana advihaya” meaning who he is not entangled by mind, omnipresent Lord is the Creator. He is both sustainer and protector too.*
The God oversees the insensate and conscious world in a unique way. The entire world rests with him. He is “**Yeshah yekah” i.e. only one. He is conscious, indivisible. He is Yekah yevah” Only one.**
Where can be more clear assertion of existence of Only One God than this? After reading the description of God in this manner, Sri W.D.Brown writes,
It [Vedic Religion] recognizes but one God.
Vedas call upon to offer worship due only to God and no one else; to nothing else. It is clearly stated in Rig-Veda as under.
Ma chidanyad vishamsata Sakhyo ma rishanyatha|
Indramit srotha vrishanam sacha suthe
muhurukhya cha samshata||
Atharva 20.85.1
**Friends! Do not praise and worship anything else, do not be doomed, praise and worship only the benevolent God Almighty, unitedly in this world, sing his glory, again and again.**
Yeka yeva namasyo vikvidah| Atharva 2.2.1
Among all the men and women, there is only one. Who is worthy of adoration, and worthy of worship too.
Na tvaam anyo divyo na parthivo na jato na janishyathe|
**Yajurveda 27.36**
** Oh God! There is nobody like you either in this world or the world beyond. No body equal to you is born as yet nor will be born ever in future also.**
There are people who are under illusion that there are many Gods after coming across words like Indra, Agni, and Varuna etc. But these words that signify both God and things other than Gods should not mislead the seeker after truth’ with this purpose in view, the Vedas declare clearly:-
Indram Mitram varunamagnimaahuratho divyah sa suparno garuthmaan|
Yekham sadvipra bahudha vadantyagnim yamam maatarishwanamaahuh||
Rigveda 1.64.46
I think that your failure to grasp the repeated uses of “likeness,” as well as your failure to respond to Dan’s very clear distinction between your claiming to know what people truly believe vs the writings those same people claim to follow, was more than sufficient.
What do you think would happen if I walked into the most politically right-wing church in Oklahoma and quoted Matthew 25:31-46 and Leviticus 19:33-34? How many strangers have you hosted in your home?
Your claiming to understand virtually anything in the Bible “one hundred percent undeniably” is just not credible. I also think that you do not understand the meaning of “metaphorical.” You might want to look up the differences between the terms metaphor, simile, figurative, and literal.
I suggest you educate yourself on the difference between a “belief” and a “fact.”
I didn’t say you had. What you admitted to is that it is possible that we are NPC’s, because it is possible we do not have free will since you only believe that we have free will. It is not something you can demonstrate to be true. I presume you don’t think it is impossible for your beliefs to be wrong.
Once again, you seem to be responding to something that is, in fact, the exact opposite of what I said. I said that there is no world that is incompatible with a creator god, including our world.
Please make a better effort to understand what you are responding to. TIA.
Revelation 4 is literal as John is decribing what he had seen. Revelation 4 is describing God’s throne.If God is not literally a king , then why does he literally have a throne?
Yes, but we were discussing your claim to know what Hindus believe. Very different things. Most people agree that what people do is a better indicator of what they believe than any instructural manual they claim to be following.
I answered your question, but you haven’t answered mine:
To which you responded by immediately doing the something else:
But you just 100% claimed to know their beliefs, so you obviously don’t agree.
I’ll repeat my suggestion to review the definitions of literal, metaphorical, figurative, etc.
I never said claim nor was I referring to modern Hinduism(apart from certain Monotheistic sects) I was referrring to the Rig Vedas the primary source for Hindus as the Bible is for Jews and Christians.
And as I have clearly evidenced above the Rig Vedas and the ancient Hindus were monotheistic.
Also my point was and always has been that the True King being God that needs nothing whereas most human kings demand worship.
The e.g. of the composer and the composition is valid as well.
Further why does God have a literal physical throne in heaven if he is not a King?