Do you know why? I think that I do. Biologos doesn’t want to explore the science. It wants to keep to the message that science and Christian faith are compatible. It is wiling to explore and talk about how the theology can be interpreted to make the sense of the science. But Biologos will not engage in the messiness of the science debate. They don’t want two scientists debating the merits of one scientific theory over another. They would rather wait until the science gets worked out and then claim the results are in line with their theology. You, Buggs and Venerma were discussing science and it was getting too uncomfortable for them. Remember Biologos doesn’t do science. Their message is that science is compatible with faith and therefore any science messiness needs to be handled by the scientists via peer reviewed science only papers. You are on the front line actually doing science. Your results are provisional, changing and under review. Too hot to handle for Biologos. Outside of their mission statement. Sure, they liked your scientific credentials.
Using George’s God-guided cosmic ray theory as an example, that is fine for Biologos because George is not a scientist, not on the front line doing cosmic ray science. If say that George was the leading world expert on cosmic rays, an astrophysicist working at a cosmic ray observatory, Biologos would love him as a working scientist who happens to be a Christian - ala Francis Collins. George could even write a book saying that he sees the hand of God in every cosmic ray that he studies. But George the Astrophysist couldn’t be having a technical cosmic ray discussion with Patrick, the equally renowned cosmic ray astrophysicist who may not share Biologos’ compatibility with faith.
So, I believe that you are not welcomed on Biologos because you are a practicing scientist with provisional results. If you just stuck with the Francis Collins line that you see the hand of God in all your work, you’d be trotted out as a great scientist who sees the compatibility of science and faith. But right now your GA science is to hot to handle for them. If your work grows legs and gets some peer reviewed attention, they will pursue you to be part of their science board a be a distinguished Biologos Fellow. Then you become their “tool”