I have to think that it is best if we left this one of the “optional planks” on your buffet cart!
If you try to resolve every contentious point, you will have fewer supporters rather than more.
I am preparing a summary of “core” Peaceful Science planks, vs. a list (and schematic!) of
those optional positions that can be plugged into the core view.
I think the goal should be to have as “small a core as possible” - - to minimize the hurdles for
any particular Christian to accept it … with a broad “tree” of many possible optional branches.
I’m confident that you agree we are not here to convert someone from one denominational
inclination to new or different denominational inclination. This is the one piece of wisdom that
I think BioLogos has quite right.
Those who would sabotage your efforts (intentionally or not) would seek to reverse the approach:
a) Insisting on an enlarged set of “core criteria” (as in "if you don’t accept these 50 points, you aren’t
really on board with Peaceful Science"; and
b) Insisting on having fewer optional or contingent positions (by moving them into the core category)!