Doug Axe’s Endowed Chair at Biola

Continuing the discussion from Comments on Egnorance Post by Coyne:

Axe recently moved to the Biola biology department.

Two professors from Biola (William Lane Craig and Sean McDowell) endorsed my book. @art has given a talk there.

Josh, do you know if this is a “real” faculty appointment, or just something like the WLC professorship that really has very little to do with activity on the campus? WLC was an HBU “faculty member” for a couple of years at one point, but I never saw him in any faculty meetings…


I do not know. It is worth sending a note to the chair of the dept to find out, but it shouldn’t probably be me doing the asking. I’m not sure it makes much difference either way though. What do you think?

From the article in the OP:

It looks like a real faculty position. I would imagine Axe will also be expected to play a leadership role in building the program.


We’ve had special arrangements with “faculty” that would teach a course Thursday night, Friday night, and all day Saturday, before returning to regularly scheduled life. I’m still not 100% convinced by the article quote implies an active campus presence since a similar scenario could apply, but it does sound like he might have a more active role. I do hope he has the opportunity to test ID more thoroughly than it has been in the past. Maybe @pnelson can tell us a little more.

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I think it does make a difference. A token “famous guy” that spends limited time on campus would be much different from a professor that has an active on-campus role. The latter would be an interesting move both for Axe and Biola.

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Doug and his wife Anita moved from Seattle to southern California this past summer, and he is taking a very active (involved) role in leading this new science Honors program at Biola:

I don’t know what courses he is teaching this academic year at Biola, but I’ve seen his office in the beautiful new Lim Center for Science, and he’ll be there on a daily basis (to my knowledge):

Developing ID with greater precision and rigor is on the agenda.


Thanks for the info, Paul!

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