Dr Michael G Strauss: Adam and Eve: Genetic Evidence

When I look at this article https://discourse.peacefulscience.org/t/heliocentric-certainty-against-a-bottleneck-of-two/61/12 it seems that just a factor of 5 would give a genetic Adam and Eve as recent as 100K years ago. The Moulon Sheep demonstrate to me that the model could be off by that much. So as a physicist, I really don’t see how geneticists make such definitive statement when the evidence seems to indicate that their models could be off by factors that would radically modify their conclusions. A simple factor of 5 easily allows a single couple at 100K.

In physics we haven’t discovered something until we demonstrate it to the 5 sigma level including statistical and systematic uncertainties. The chart shown in this article has 100 K less than 2 sigma from the mean, which in physics isn’t even considered anywhere near outside of the boundary of likely, not just viable. If you showed a physicist the chart in this article, they would say that even 0 years is a reasonable conclusion from the data.
