ENV: Behe and Swamidass Debate Evolution and Intelligent Design at Texas A&M

Well, what do you think? Can you just go back and look at the question posed? It sure seems to me like the answer (likely best answered by Josh, but not absolutely necessary) requires a yes or no answer.
Here, for convenience I’ll reask it,

[quote=“Sam, post:224, topic:9704”]
Did you discuss it with Axe when you met him on Dr. Sean McDowell’s podcast?


That nice. Explore your interests. I won’t respond with “I’m not sure why that is an important interest.”
As I said before,

So if what you say here about Axe has merit,

I remain surprised if that would not have been a challenge put to Axe when he and Josh had a face-to-face.
To borrow from Chesterton,
ID has not been tested and found wanting. It has been found unpopular and therefore avoided.
Leaving Axe aside which I’ll do unless Josh responds, as to this video with Behe, Josh declares, for example at 22:21 that he and Mike have major disagreements. I never heard Josh clearly state a position that he holds that Behe disagrees with. At least not about science. Less than a minute later he says that he is interested in seeing where they hold common ground, but also, “also where are the places that were disagreement” I think Josh certainly got to the first part (he spent considerable time defending common descent to which he admits Behe holds to) but never seemed to get to the differences.
Even in this thread,

I don’t think that Josh is quoting Behe in the first part (or I couldn’t find it searching the transcript) but he may be referring to Behe saying that science is no place to get sentimental regarding in this case "I don’t think the bacteriophage was poorly designed. I think it’s wonderfully designed.)
Is it because of this that @swamidass says, “Behe responded that theology is not intuitive”?
But the latter part I find disingenuous from Josh. “this also seems to undermine his point regarding science. Biology is nonintuitive too!”
Behe did not deny that biology can be non-intuitive. In fact, he challenged Josh on it.
Josh introduce the topic of our intuitions in biology in response to his friend James Tour who was in the audience. Josh said to Tour,
"So what I would say is that biology is pretty complex and it’s not intuitive. Can you grant me that there are things in science that are not intuitive?
Tour grants this.
A bit later, Josh responding to Behe or the moderator or both says, (~1:08:42)
“We already know that science is non-intuitive so why would we make an intuitive argument.”
and Josh again (~1:17:31) Science is about challenging our intuitions.
Behe responds, (1:20:10) “Science might as Josh says, discover some counterintuitive things. But some things aren’t counterintuitive and so you can’t just say, oh that’s intuitive, so it’s wrong.”
I’m quite sure Josh @swamidass that Behe has not denied that some “Biology is nonintuitive” as I think that you implied. He is saying that it is not necessarily all intuitive. Don’t you think?
If you’re listening Josh, how do you think that Behe would respond, or that he did already respond to what you posted,

Now there is an interesting question. Is there a reason you can thnk of that he didn’t design it the same as he did you or David? I’m referring of course to Psalm 139:13-16. That is not to imply that God designs everything with the same end nor that all of His designs will have the same love showered upon them. Have you any theological thoughts or inclinations that would lead you to believe that anything is outside his design?
But to kind of bring this back to the beginning, I’m still at a loss as to have any inkling why anything but rank partisanship allows anyone to think it consistent to see the folk at DI as morons and buffoons or as was stated,

while at the same time faring so well in discussions or debates with their opponents. I see lots of the foolish and dishonest and I think, worse leveled at them, but when they are allowed a voice they perform well on the stage with an opponent. I haven’t seen Behe, Meyer, Axe, Bechly, or Berlinski look the fool. Have you Josh @swamidass That seems odd. As Hitchens said to Doug Wilson, Don’t you have an abnormally unsuspicious mind?