If there is no barrier, then why don’t you actually use it for a real life system? I am not trained in information theory, so I lack a nuanced understanding of your mathematical proofs. I have not spent the time to scrutinize them with my rusty math skills. But I am an experimental scientist. And in our field, even if you can calculate a prediction for say the expected decay rate for certain particles, these don’t mean much until someone actually carries out the experiment. In this case, you have not even calculated a prediction for an experiment - you are merely claiming that in principle, one could do so. Maybe that’s enough for some mathematicians, but ID is supposed to be a scientific, not mathematical framework. At this point, your version of ID is still not science - it doesn’t predict anything in a clearly testable manner. The danger is that these difficulties that you simply subsume under the vague umbrella term “practical implementation issues” - turn out to be fundamentally intractable due to some deeper truth about nature (not math) that we haven’t discovered yet.