Everyone is on Edge

I want you both to do better. You are both Christians. Act like followers of Jesus. Does he return tit for tat?

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I donā€™t dislike you because we disagree. Thatā€™d be silly. I dislike you because of the way you talk about my friends. Look, you can disagree with people like Dennis. But you can do it in a nicer way. I would not have come back to Christ if it wasnā€™t for Dennis Venema. 100%. So when I see him talked about in such an ugly way Iā€™m going to get pissed. Why not say, " I think Dennis, Ted, and Deb are wrong about WLC here. They may have been misinformed."?


I have been looking around the site - how do you unsubscribe?

I can turn off all notifications. Is that what you want?

You have added a lot. Iā€™d hope you could find a way to work with us. Youā€™d have a lot to add. You really are welcome here @theman8469.

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Yes please. I have no hard feeling but this forum is not for me. By the way have you seen this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNpTwdxTu6w&t=862s which clarifies WLCā€™s approach to the Adam and Eve issue. You have lot to offer to both your scientific and religious communities. I wish you nothing but the very best. God bless


You got it. If you ever change your mind, please do come back. I think your voice is important.

I did!

Before you go, be sure to check out this thread that ensued. Remarkable. William Lane Craig: Predetermined Conclusions on Adam?. I could not believe the absurdity of critique against WLC. What is with that?

Thanks @theman8469. Peace to you too. Please pray for me, and for us.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: William Lane Craig: Predetermined Conclusions on Adam?

And I dislike Dennis Venema for his dishonesty, rudeness and continuing crapness. He is a 10th rate academic at a third rate institution who, in addition to being clueless in philosophy and theology, has poor understanding in his own subject area. His complete inability to apologize for his behaviour and scientific incompetence makes him a jerk. I can now see why you threated to ban me twice from this forum - you were just protecting your cognitively and socially challenged little friend.

@T.j_Runyon is not a moderator here, and he has no authority to ban you. At no point were you banned.

I have my issues with Venema too, but I prefer if we let it go to deal with more important concerns. You do not have to like Venema, but there is no point railing against him either. He is not part of the conversation here. Honestly, Iā€™m not sure he is part of the conversation anywhere now.

Ignore this post. Venema has enough problems without me adding to them.

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I was at the time. And I threatened to ban him because he is a HUGE ASSHOLE. Goodness. Look at his latest posts

Even when you were a moderator, you didnā€™t have authority to ban him on your own. I agree that he needs to back off venema. It appears he has. Time for everyone to let it go.

Letting it go :+1:t2:

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Letting it go - going, going, gone.

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Thank you.

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