Evolutionary Science, not Darwinism

I’m going to comment on some of the terminology there.

  • modern evolutionary theory

I’m not sure that there a specific set of claims or principles that goes under the name “modern evolutionary theory”. Rather, I suspect that there is disagreement over the details.

  • undirected

It seems to me that biological organisms and population are engaged is a struggle to survive. And that sets some kind of direction, albeit a rather broad direction.

  • unplanned

This depends on what we mean by “plan”. The production of random mutations could be seen as a plan for dealing with unpredictable contingencies.

  • mechanisms

That’s the most troubling word in your list. Biological organisms and populations don’t look very mechanical to me.

However, I suppose that the greater disagreement is this. The ID proponents want to put the direction setting, the planning (if there is any) and the non-mechanical as outside influences acting on the biological population. By contrast, I see them as inside and acting within the population.

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