General questions on light and special relativity

It is clear that your preferred frame theory is different from Lorent’s original ether theory. Hendrik Lorentz’s theory, by construction, has no observable prediction that is distinct from special relativity. You are making modifications upon Lorentz’s original theory.

If you read through this thread Theories with Preferred Frames vs Solutions with Preferred Frames, I discussed before that :

Newtonian mechanics has an infinite number of preferred frames , called inertial frames.

Newtonian mechanics, and by extension, special relativity, do have an infinite number of preferred frames, the non-inertial frames. This is distinct from “preferred frame” effects, which specifically refers to having a preferred non-inertial frame.

The fact that non-inertial frames are preferred in SR is not news. This is the cause of the asymmetry in the twin paradox, one frame is inertial, while the other isn’t. This is covered in any basic special relativity textbooks.

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