Evaluating the YEC "Dasha solution" to the starlight problem?

In Solving the Light Travel Time Problem, Dr. Danny R. Faulkner rejects various YEC solutions to the starlight problem and proposes the “dasha solution”.

I’m suggesting that God miraculously brought the light to earth from the farthest reaches of the universe right after he filled the universe with astronomical bodies.

Has anyone with astronomy knowledge responded to this idea?

I’m not a scientist, but I picture this creating a “dashed line” problem. If photons begin streaming toward Earth like water from a hose, and God instantly moves the front “blob” of photons from the stream to be near Earth, doesn’t that create a gap in the stream, so that we’d see the stars for a while and then they’d disappear for a long time? To avoid gaps, wouldn’t God have to “stretch out” the light, and wouldn’t that create the illusion of far-away events happening slower, like video frames arriving at a lower rate, and appearing to be fainter, since there are fewer photons per “frame”? Am I imaging this incorrectly?


One problem is the really distant objects. The supposed purpose is timekeeping on Earth, by people without even optical instruments, so really only objects visible with the naked eye need to be visible, and the fainter of those would seem superfluous.

He could have created a continuous line of light from every object. The problem with that is that it’s fake. The first light from an object a million light years away would have to show the object as it was a million years ago, when of course it didn’t actually exist. The light would record all manner of false events: supernovae in distant galaxies, for example. If it’s light actually emitted by the object and transported here, he would have to keep doing that transport from creation up to the present. If he ever stopped there would be the gap you posit. So no rest on the 7th day. That would still mean that no old supernova remnants should exist, no phenomenon that would take more than 6000 years to occur. And the universe would be a horrendous kludge.


Hello @nathanlong , and welcome to Peaceful Science. :smiley:

You are on the right track. There are many problems, as John already noted. It gets worse; it’s not just light headed to Earth, but between any two points in the universe.

Creation Scientists like to pretend the laws of physics do not exist.


And the universe would be a horrendous kludge.

Good point. The conventional scientific picture of big bang, stellar generations building up higher elements, and so on is beautiful to imagine and for me as a Christian inspires worship. The “dasha solution” sounds like God fixing a mistake - “whoops, I put these stars too far away.” And every source of light in the universe would need its own separate fix. And the fix wouldn’t work for any human observers who get too far from Earth. This does not sound at all like the perfectly wise God of Scripture.


That you can consider such questions make you a Hoopy Frood in my book. :slight_smile:

The “perfectly wise God of scripture” doesn’t sound like the god of scripture. So I won’t rule the “dasha” scenario out on that basis.

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