Genesis and Creation Science

That’s not an explanation. What do you mean by “contamination” and how does it manage to produce consistent ages that line up well with the stratigraphic column? And what about the direct dating of sediments using authigenic minerals? You never go into enough detail for your theory to be addressed.

I just posted on Genetic Entropy. You can look at the timestamps with topics you’re familiar with. It definitely is a direct challenge to evolution.

OK. Thank you for clarifying. I apologize for assuming.

Again, see Sanford. He has published papers in regular scientific journals relating to genetic entropy.

It isn’t. I’ve gone through the only paper they published in detail. They completely misrepresent the actual data for the case they chose. It’s just another case showing that this isn’t at all about people sincerely coming to different conclusions about the same evidence.

I’ve already told you that I have. Why do you keep pretending that I haven’t? Only one AFAIK, in a journal that few read. Do you have evidence to support your use of the plural?

Yet there aren’t any creationist pharma or biotech companies, despite all of these creationists. Where is their faith?

Wanna bet?

IDcreationism has been around for decades. Adopting it is associated with quitting the doing part of science, not increasing productivity.

It’s much easier to make a living with apologetics aimed at laypeople in the tribe.

…also in many cases with being long retired from the doing. John Sanford retired from Cornell in 1998 and published Genetic Entropy in 2005, 7 years later and now 15 years ago.

If it were such a powerful new concept in genetics, presumably it would have spawned a large international research program by now, not just a single paper.


One is reminded of Linus Pauling and vitamin C.

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Poorly, in my estimation. They believe the Earth and universe are old, but after the creation of life ~6000 years ago it falls back to the YEC model, more or less. Global Flood included.

Given they accept an old Earth, I was (mildly) surprised they do not accept old geology and old life other than human. They have a slightly different interpretation of Genesis that allows an old Earth, but that’s as far as it goes.

What evidence do they accept for the old earth, and what part of the earth do they think is old? Presumably this is the gap theory?