Continuing the discussion from Dr Bugg's latest analysis is seriously flawed:
Great. Thanks for an excellent example of words multiple without knowledge, totally unhinged from what we know about population genetics.
There is so much error in this paragraph it is hard to know where to begin. Instead, I’ll just focus on the biggest error, which I have bolded above. Here, you tightly genetic and genealogical ancestry as if genetics can reveal genealogical connections. This is false. Here is a key fact you have not yet taken hold of: most our genealogical ancestors are genetic ghosts, who leave us no DNA.
[as a side note, it is certainly not clear that Africans have absolutely no Neandertal DNA.]
Of course, you probably doubt this, so I encourage you to read this seminal paper on the topic:
Of course, this is all covered in detail in my paper, which you have clearly refused to read. Perhaps there is something you could learn here about population genomics.
Or you could read about it from Graham Coop, of UC Davis, a population geneticist. Where did your genetic ancestors come from? | gcbias.
So then, once you’ve read these papers, please explain to us all, why Graham Coop’s work is inherently racist. We will then march down the authors I cite in my paper (including from, which include professors from MIT, WUSTL, and more. Why is all their work inherently racist?
It will be particularly entertaining to see how you pin this charge to Alan Templeton, one of the leading voices against polygenesis in population genetics.
Then, after we are done with that, you can explain how you (a white male), have discerned racism in me (a dark skinned Indian). You can also explain how you (a white engineer), knows more about population genetics than me (a computational biologist).
Once you’e succeeded at that task perhaps then we can all agree why genealogical science is inherently racist. Until then, do not make that charge again. It will not be tolerated, and will result in an indefinite suspension.
Do not multiply words without knowledge.