Gil grabs some ammunition and shoots down Doug Axe's 2004 extrapolation by a factor of more than 10^44

We just went through the camouflage discussion in the recent thread…

where I left you with a question…

All camouflage revolves around either facilitating a meal or avoiding being another’s dinner. Sometimes the strategy is opposite to camouflage. Poisonous animals are often as conspicuous as possible to advertise, make no mistake, this would be your last meal. That avoidance being established, some animals which are not actually poisonous mimic the gaudy coloration of poisonous relatives, and so are left alone. All of this blending in and standing out is solely based on two brutal truths of nature. One, if you are eaten, you are digested and die. Two, if you do not eat, you starve and die.

So my question is, how can you appeal to direct divine purposeful design of appearance, particular to each species, when it serves no other purpose than enabling such a nasty existence?

For so much of the animal kingdom, nearly everything about them revolves around predation. Their camouflage and appearance, their vision, their dentation, their speed, their digestive tracts, it is all about eating or being eaten. And you are saying this is the best of all possible designs, essentially that a good and benevolent God was intimately involved in the intricate details of a colossal system of death without which most species would even be recognizable? So what about this marvelous molecular machine involved in the camouflage of certain squid?