I think it is compatible with much of the way the Bible describes God’s interactions with human beings. There are also, of course, some celebrated Biblical statements which seem to imply a more mechanical role for human beings, as cogs in the wheel of God’s plan. I think Jon Garvey would say that there is no contradiction between the different presentations, when each is properly understood in context. Certainly systematic theology has to attempt to show the harmony of all Biblical statements. I respect the attempts of the theologians of the various Christian denominations and schools to do this. I’m not certain, however, that the type of literature that the Bible is will allow for the tightness of system that one would find in a book by Spinoza or Aquinas or Calvin. There may always be some loose ends that Christians just have to leave unresolved.
Of course, all of this that I’ve just said is about God-human interactions, and not at all about evolutionary pool shots that move the universe from the Big Bang to man. Behe’s image of the pool shot calls to mind the old ideal of Laplacean mechanism, whereas a chess game between two players who choose their own moves doesn’t do that.