God dogs evolution as U.S. eases away from faith, creationism

The more I study the evolutionary history of life on Earth and the more I study the Bible, the more convinced I am that God worked through geologic time to prepare Earth as a habitat uniquely suited to human flourishing. I see Genesis 1 as a divinely-revealed history completely in alignment with the geologic history of the planet Earth.

I suppose if someone only studied science, they would not be able to recognize God’s handiwork in nature. And I suppose if someone only studied the Bible, they might not understand that scientific discoveries shouldn’t threaten them.

I think it is sad that the only bone many Christians are thrown when they leave Young Earth Creationism behind is theistic evolution. There is so much more.

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Yes, there is so much more. Accepting of science, human reasoning, human empathy, and human ingenuity provides so much more to lead a meaningful and purposeful life. God isn’t necessary to have a good, meaningful, and purposeful like.

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