Has YEC ever attempted to address the consilience of carbon dating?

Hello Dan. Welcome to the forum. You have raised a number of ideas which are common among YEC, but I will focus on 14C which is the thread topic.

14C dating does not require any rescuing device, because the data is entirely consistent with other relevant age markers. In regards to 14C contamination, the best place to for you to start would be to have a look at this forum’s discussion here directly concerning this - Radiocarbon in Coal?.

Is it a rescuing device that you cannot weigh a feather on a truck scale? It is not a rescuing device to advise against weighing a truck on a kitchen scale. Every measurement procedure has an applicable domain. The “rescuing device” rhetoric from YEC not only reflects an ignorance of the capabilities of C14 dating, but is ironic considering the fabricated response of creationist organizations in regard to radiometric geochronology. Both contamination and instrument sensitivity are physical realities and these limits must be acknowledged in the pursuit of good science. Radiocarbon measurements of carbon dead samples yield an empirical contradiction of the YEC timeline.

All right, you get Mary Schweitzer’s T-Rex femur with unfettered permission to run any test you please. It’s all yours, and you intend to carbon date these. Walk me through this, a step at a time - sample extraction, preparation, isotope measurement, and experimental control.