Perhaps just as likely: Patrick is trying to bolster credibility of the GAE by adopting the persona of Ignorant Blowhard Atheist, who yammers about “ancient DNA” and pretends to understand it, then is shown to be wrong, creating in some minds the impression that GAE is not only unassailable but scary enough to atheists that they are moved to lie about it.
Well, for the 3* people reading this who are wondering about vulnerability of the GAE to discoveries in “ancient DNA”: there are no such discoveries that threaten the GAE postulate, and I doubt any such discovery can even be imagined. The GAE is built on established knowledge of human genetic diversity and population genetics; in fact, all the GAE does is point to the fact that recent genealogical common ancestry is a certainty in humans, then note that an “Adam and Eve” could thus be genealogical common ancestors. All you have to do is give them names and then assert that they were magicked into place by a superbeing. I certainly agree that this is ridiculous, but only an ignoramus or a liar would say that it is ruled out by ancient DNA or by any other evidence of any kind.
*An estimate. Margin of error: 4.