Underlying articles:
Which leads to the question of which creationists/creationist organisations classify Homo naledi as human, and which classify them as unrelated apes?
Underlying articles:
Which leads to the question of which creationists/creationist organisations classify Homo naledi as human, and which classify them as unrelated apes?
So, first fire, now rock art and burying their dead. One wonders how many human practices H. naledi must be found to have had before Ken Ham & ICR change their minds (and quietly erase their previous “just an ape” view).
Hi everyone,
Methinks there is a rush to judgement in this post. For a skeptical view of the claims made on behalf of Homo naledi, please see here:
Scientists Are Skeptical that Intelligence in Homo naledi “Erases Human Exceptionalism” by Casey Luskin at Evolution News.
A rare article by Luskin that seems fairly accurately reported. But probably better to cite his major source:
Homo Naledi is going to give a lot of folks a “run for their theology”. [Speaking as a Christian “Shroudie” and a fan of Gutsick Gibbon, I’m fascinated by past and future paleontological developments.]