"I'm treating the mutation rate as a substitution rate" - Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson

I’m sorry Mikkel, I just now saw this specific question:

We first of all, I’m certainly not saying it shouldn’t be considered evidence for evolution. I DO see it’s one that evolutionists can list. For me it was the conclusion of how significant that evidence is given 1) arguments against NH’s strengths (to include challenges to the tree of life), and specifically 2) how much is expected/not expected within Biblical Creation. So I’m really just differing on the significance of it.

I did a good bit of research on this topic last year, and still have a number of my notes. However I don’t feel like I have the time to put together a thorough and sufficient answer. (Plus I know how debates go in this site).

I’ll share this: When I came to this site I was encouraged to look into NH evidence. I gave it my best effort. I did actually find more NH evidence than what I was previously privy to, and even conceded to that here once. However I didn’t just stop there. I spent a good bit of time studying challenges to NH, as well as challenges to the Tree of Life (ToL) in general. That research was revealing. Especially considering evidence against a hypothesis can weigh in heavier than supportive.

BTW, as a software developer, I also found “The Dependency Graph of Life” by Winston Ewert interesting. I hope more can be developed on this. (Mentioned here: Winston Ewert: The Dependency Graph of Life - Peaceful Science).

Honestly, there’s a more I could share on this topic, but will leave it at this: I did the research with an open mind, and learned a lot from it. NH data is compelling. Except when it isn’t. One thing I realized is that we’re dealing with a HUGE amount of data (all biological features multiplied by all life that ever existed on earth), and for me, two overlapping models that can each account for parts of what we’re seeing. Coming to that final, quantitative assessment of all that data (including scripture!) is in no way simple.

Bottom line: I feel like the magnitude of this data set makes it difficult to “declare a winner” in this debate. I can only speak for myself: I attempted to “see” it. But ultimately feel justified in my reservations of how compelling it is compared to Biblical Creation.