Is Helicase a House of Cards?

Your claim that life started out complex is missing evidence.

20 posts were merged into an existing topic: Dale, Rich, and Greg discuss providence and Genesis

The evidence is what we observe when we try to strip down cells and where they fail. About 400 genes which is a complex structure.

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That’s only evidence extant cells require that minimum number of extant proteins. It says nothing about what earlier simpler ancestral life would have required.

It says everything until you can provide alternative evidence of a simpler cell functioning.

Sorry Bill, it doesn’t provide any evidence at all for the claim life required complete extant cells from the very start almost 4 billion years ago.

Your ignoring evidence again. :slight_smile:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Dale, Rich, and Greg discuss providence and Genesis

That’s what phylogenetics does.

More than a week later, and no specification for the helicase protein has been produced.
There wasn’t even any back-pedalling or special pleading, just the tranquil silence of a field that’s been fled.