Is Systems Biology valid science?

How is that changing my mind or suggestive of profundity or innovation?

“intuit design”

? What has that to do with recognizing a rotary motor when you see one? The chip on your shoulder seems large.

What has recognizing a rotary motor when you see one have anything to do with figuring out how species change over time?

Not a thing, that I know of. Did someone suggest it did?

Yes, you are. Quite a few people have noticed and said something about it too.

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Ok, whatever.

Yeah, maybe. It’s not going anywhere, fast. …like a motor in a ferry without a propeller. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hahahaha!! Nice analogy! :slight_smile:


On the other hand (that’s an analogy, a figure of speech and a metaphor :slightly_smiling_face:), we could even talk about, trumpets please, …

Is Systems Biology valid science?

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I think that I’ll just stay here and gouge my eyeballs out with a rusty fork, instead… Thanks though.



Regarding my last, though,

As the question of the OP, yes systems biology is valid science, or at least it can be valid science. It is, however, becoming somewhat of a grab bag of different fields, and is trending downwards as a term. It is new enough and broad enough of a feel that it lacks a sharp definition.

(emphasis added) …so forget about it. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

You use forks that rust!? You way older than me. :slightly_smiling_face:


Ok, now I know. Thanks for the information.

Sorry, can’t leave that one alone… I presume that was irony, @pawas?

Endosymbiont Hypothesis and the Ironic Case for a Creator
Endosymbiont Hypothesis and the Ironic Case for a Creator - Reasons to Believe

Except that no mention of when we were able to evolve it without genetic engineering:

Fuz writes…

To sum it up: intelligent agency was required to establish the endosymbiotic relationship between the two microbes .

Except it wasn’t in the article I linked. @DaleCutler, catch up.


Graciously put.

Just hoping to encourage you. Glad you took it as the gracious encouragement that it was.

I think you missed DC was being sarcastic.

With gracious encouragement like that, who needs enemas? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Need salt?