I would be very interested to know whether you think that Rum is right when he asserts that tree rings are symbols (see 394)?
Yep. Senior moment. It was an insect. Not sure why I wrote fish.
Here’s what he wrote:
That is clearly true. The key is the phrase that begins “in that.” But you asked about whether tree rings are “symbols.” I would say no, just because I understand symbols to be things used by minds. But what @Rumraket means (if I understand him correctly) is that if codons are symbols, then so are tree rings, and I agree with that.
Quite right. And a further illustration that it doesn’t bloody matter what we CALL things. Construe the word “symbol” narrowly, and the genetic code is what it is. Construe the word broadly, and the genetic code is still what it is. The word-juggling game of trying to shoehorn real things into verbal expressions, and then reason about the verbal expressions rather than about the real things, is futility itself.