This conversation will be held on January 11th and 12th.
We are coming to the close of 2018. This is the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther Kings assassination in 1968. As a scientist living in St Louis, I have become acutely aware of the disparity in science (Essay: "Grieve the Segregation of Science" by S. Joshua Swamidass). During this last year, I’ve found several other science faculty, some of them here, that care about this disparity too.
I have also had the pleasure of serving on the advisory committee for @Julie_Park’s NSF grant on STEM education and disparity: Connections Matter: The Impact of Social Ties and Social Capital for STEM College Students. Julie is a brilliant and productive young social scientist, who has been studying the sociology of STEM education for a while now ( As science educators, there is a lot we have to learn from sociologists here.
Dr. Park sent me a list of key findings from her current work for us to discuss with her. She generously agrees to spend a couple days discussing this with us too. I’ll be reading out to the educators (@Jordan, @cwhenderson, @pevaquark, @NLENTS, @Art) here to find out a date that would work for everyone to join in the conversation with us. As soon as that is settled, I will announce it here.
Until then, here are the findings we will be discussing. Anyone and everyone is welcome to weigh in on the Side Comments on Discrimination in STEM thread while we wait for the office hours to begin.
List of Key Findings
Key Findings from Discrimination and Student-Faculty Interaction in STEM: Exploring the Impact for Students of Different Races by Julie J. Park, Young K. Kim, Cinthya Salazar, M. Kevin Eagan.
Experiencing discrimination was linked with having a significantly lower GPA for students in STEM, a finding that echoes past research on the negative effect of stereotyping and hostile classroom environments in STEM.
Typically, student-faculty interaction (e.g., attending office hours, asking questions, etc.) is linked with many positive benefits for students. However, such interaction can also open the door for negative interactions, which tend to affect minority students.
Not only did discrimination have a direct negative link with GPA, but it tended to lessen or disrupt the otherwise positive link between student-faculty interaction, academic satisfaction, and GPA. Experiencing discrimination was linked with a 39.2% reduction in the positive indirect effect of student-faculty interaction and GPA.
The finding that interaction with faculty is linked with a higher likelihood of experiencing discrimination is likely being driven by the negative experiences of Black students.
Black STEM students with higher interaction with faculty also were more likely to experience discrimination from faculty because of race/ethnicity; however, this was not the case for students of other races.
Being a Black student had both negative direct and indirect effects on GPA, which was mediated by lower academic satisfaction and greater feelings of discrimination from faculty.
Black students tended to report lower levels of academic satisfaction as compared to their peers in other racial groups. The negative effect of being a Black student on academic satisfaction seemed to be mitigated by the positive relationship among being a Black student, student-faculty interaction, and academic satisfaction.
Thus, there appears to be a paradoxical relationship between student-faculty interaction and outcomes (e.g., GPA) for Black students. They benefit; however, they also suffer from experiences of discrimination. In other words, they are not reaping the full potential of such interaction.
Student-faculty interaction had a positive direct effect on GPA for only White students.
Greater academic satisfaction was significantly linked with higher college GPA for only Latinx and Asian American. High school math GPA had a positive link with academic satisfaction during college for Black and Latin STEM students only.