How dumb are we if we don’t realize Neanderthals are humans just like us at this point?
I mean, c’mon. Lol. Primates nurse their kids until 5 and these mommies went to baby food as soon as their kids could swallow it. Really modern of them.
How dumb are we if we don’t realize Neanderthals are humans just like us at this point?
I mean, c’mon. Lol. Primates nurse their kids until 5 and these mommies went to baby food as soon as their kids could swallow it. Really modern of them.
That depends on how you define human. Neanderthals have slightly different anatomical features than modern humans. Neanderthal fossils were classified as a separate species before the advent of modern DNA sequence techniques, and the subsequent DNA findings have supported the conclusion that Neanderthals were a separate species.
However, many scientists are just fine with the idea of multiple human species. In fact, most would classify all species within the genus Homo as being human. That is why our species is often referred to as anatomically modern humans to help distinguish us from other human species.
I agree wholeheartedly with your posts in this thread, Michelle. But I think you meant billion with a b.
I appreciate your honesty, @thoughtful, but I personally would be unable to sustain the cognitive dissonance necessary to maintain such a stance.
Thanks Chris. I appreciate your kind words. To be honest, evolutionary origins would be compelling if it did not seem so cognitively dissonant for me biblically and philosophically. Even now, I hear a description and try to imagine some process of cells to humans and it seems impossible to me. I recently watched a video from PBS Eons about deep time and I see the person’s mouth forming words about words like epochs and eons while they’re showing pictures of design, and I just don’t understand how it makes sense to anyone when I’m looking at it in that context…
That’s right. I’m clearly having some issues with typos on this thread! I just corrected it. Thanks for pointing that out.