You can call it what you want Bill. The ability of ID proponents to obsess about words is neither here nor there. What, at bottom, is really the difference between growth and manufacturing? When a protein is being synthesized, it is in tiny increments one amino acid at a time being added, one on top of another. That’s basically the same thing that happens when an organism grows, here they are just cells being added, and there’s a long incremental growth of the entity.
You want to call that manufacturing? Okay, go ahead.
based on the designed code (DNA)
There’s zero evidence DNA is designed. Also DNA is not the same as the genetic code. The genetic code only exists as a consequence of and in the context of the translation system, without which there is no such thing as DNA encoding for protein.
and the manufacturing micro robots like the Ribosome.
The ribosome is a robot now? I see. Well then trees are robots too I guess. All living things are robots. It’s become a word without a meaning.
If it moves at all, if it does anything, it’s a robot. A river? That’s a robot. A liquid water robot that functions by carving rocks and transporting sediment to the sea. So now robots can originate naturally simply by having melting ice. Or rain. The streams from melting snow and ice(which rained down from clouds) all accidentally happen to flow together in the right way to create a water-robot capable of transporting enormous amounts of sediement to the sea. The heat from the sun’s rays are robots that pick up water molecules from the surfaces of large bodies of water and transport them to the clouds. Infrared radiation is now a robot.
Planets are now robots too. They use sophisticated gravitational intelligence to find and and suck up dust, gas, asteroids, and comets, so they function as cosmic vacuum cleaners. Solar-system Roombas.
Why stop there? Electromagnetism itself is now a robot. It functions by bringing together particles with electric charge into larger assemblages such as atoms and molecules. So now physics itself is one giant manufacturing process where individual atoms, even the elementary fields of attraction are manufacturing line robots. It’s all robots.
Now everything that grows larger is “manufacturing”. I am “manufacturing” more and more dirt on my door mat when I keep wiping by boots on them. And the hairs on the door mat are robots that function by picking off the tiny dirt particles from my boots, with their amazing friction-based intelligence built into them with the electromagnetism-code.