McCall: Will The Real Adam Please Stand Up? The Surprising Theology Of Universal Ancestry

McCall has an important thread I aim to pick up soon too:

Recently, some thoughtful Christians have issued a plea to take seriously the possibility of a “mere theistic evolution” (MTE).[2] The proponents of MTE urge Christians to separate the positions held by prominent theistic evolutionists – positions which often make significant theological revisions – from what is actually explicitly demanded or entailed by the acceptance of evolution. Conversations over the MTE proposal are ongoing, and the future is less than clear.

[2] Michael Murray and John Churchill.

Remember this paper from here? Murray and Churchill: Mere Theistic Evolution

Note as well, WLC’s response:

I think it is high time that I write my own response to the MTE idea that Murray puts forward, highlighting Christian that Affirms the Science of Evolution (CASE) and Christian who affirms Evolutionary Science and CAES (citing @dga471 of course).