Meaning of parental retrocopies

I was reading about retrogenes shared between humans and primates, but in this research the term “parental retrocopies” caught my attention

The context of the sentence was

“Events sharing the flanking regions and containing the same parental retrocopies as the query genomes were classified as orthologous”

I understand the term paternal genes, I also understand the term “retrocopies” , but I do not understand the term " parental retrocopies" . Can someone explain it ?

This is the paper:

Retrocopies are DNA sequences that represent DNA that was created by reverse transcription of RNA molecules then integrated (inserted) into a genome. They are described pretty well in the paper. Most are pseudogenes (so-called “processed pseudogenes”) but like any inserted DNA sequence, they can be or become functional genes.

“Parental” just refers to whether one is studying a parental lineage (or individual). It’s not a description of a kind of retrocopy.

So, in that sentence, the authors are defining orthologues in a standard way: two insertions that are identical to a parental insertion are understood to be orthologues.

Did you read the paper?

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