Mind the Pregnant Hitchhiking Monkey

A curious tale from evolutionary science takes center stage as the conversation on MTE continues.

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Do go on. What is this pregnant hitchhiking monkey, which doesn’t seem to appear in the post or in the links?

It’s right here:

As explained in the primary post:

In his response to Mere Theistic Evolution, the theologian Tom McCall considers the what-iffery of the infamous “Pregnant Hitchhiking Monkey.” Don’t know what he is talking about? This is a pretty good story…

From the newsletter…

Clarity is a virtue, or would be. I was able to find the story in the second out of three links in the original post, and I find that the story distorts the science in unfortunate ways. It also fails to establish any relevance to MTE, though that failure is hidden in a lot of verbiage.

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