More Evidence: The Resurrection or Alexander the Great?

That’s not prophecy. That’s an incident, and subsequent interpretation of the Jesus story incorporated them as analogy. All that is cherry-picking stories from a host of other stories because they can be made to pre-figure Jesus.

I don’t think it was even that. It’s just people picking the parts that can be made to resemble the Jesus story and calling those the main story. It’s a Texas sharpshooter approach to scripture.

Or you can believe that somebody wrote that into the story because it went along with the story, and name-dropping adds verisimilitude.

You mean that there’s a story where he said that. Well, it certainly benefits a story that wants to be believed if it can convince you to downgrade the relevance of evidence. But I don’t see why I should accept any such thing because a story tells me to. I consider blind faith to be a fault, not a virtue. Perhaps that has something to do with being a scientist.

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