Thanks John. I’m getting closer to understanding, but not quite there. Can you comment on these points inline so that I can better understand your position? First, because this could all be moot, do you believe that Jesus Christ was a historical figure? I just noted your reference to “a preacher from Nazareth, possibly named Yeshua, who inspired Christianity.” Beyond that…
- Do you, as @John_Dalton suggested, believe that there was a religion we now recognize as Christianity within a year or two after Jesus died? (JD, apologies if I did not accurately recap your belief.)
- Do you believe that there were fundamental books (Matt., Mark, Luke, John, Acts, etc.) that existed contemporaneously with that religion (#1 above)? Or that there was exclusively an oral tradition to begin and books were only written later?
- Do you believe that these books were then embellished later, or that they were inaccurate when penned?