Well, he follows the evidence within a pre-suppositional framework. That framework isn’t one he is able to challenge, but he still has to follow things to their logical conclusion.
One of the things that is deeply hypocritical about Answers In Genesis is that they don’t necessarily follow the same set of rules as they work through things. Their commitment is not to a presupposition framework, but to power and control, and so they are much more likely to fudge. For Kurt Wise and Todd Wood, on the other hand, it is much more of a close following of the evidence within this overarching paradigm.
One good example is how Kurt Wise deals with the human chromosome 2 fusion. The folks at Answers In Genesis try desperately to deny that there is a fusion there, insisting on lots of nonsense about functional genes and unknown variations and possible designs. Wise, on the other hand, simply says “Yep, there was a fusion event here. God must have originally created humans with one more chromosome and then the fusion happened at some point after creation.” It’s following the evidence honestly within a controlled paradigm.