New Lecture on Trees of Life, Science, and Christianity

This and other such details would require a separate topic to discuss. I suggest a new topic, along the lines of “When, If Ever, Should the Classroom Expression of Opinion by University/College Teachers Be Restricted?” I warn you, however, not to expect much traffic under such a topic. I previously posted a piece praising Jerry Coyne’s view on freedom of academic expression, here:

My post got three “Likes” (including, surprisingly, one from a poster who normally reflexively disagrees with whatever I write), but not a single comment. So it might end up being just a discussion between the two of us – not an ideal outcome. But you are welcome to try, if you like, or if you like, I can start it up.

In any case, what is not off-topic here is what Buggs said in the last few minutes of his lecture about hostile atmospheres in some biology classes. I mentioned that, when I introduced this topic, as one of the two things I was interested in talking about; predictably, most of the comments have been about the other subject. Sigh.