This is far too much fun not to share:
I love the last paragraph:
Copy number variations do not add information. They just change the expression levels of existing information. By breaking or blunting existing information, polar bears get by in the white, cold arctic where the only thing to eat is a seal or fish. If that is what Darwin meant by natural selection, goldfish and polar bears will never evolve human brains.
So there. Don’t worry that the goldfish imprisoned in that little bowl will ever rise to challenge you. Goldfish will never evolve human brains!
I can rest easier now. Ever since I first studied evolutionary processes, I’ve lived in mortal fear that human brains would start cropping up all over the planet (even in unlikely places like Washington D.C. and on cable news programs.). Imagine Planet of the Apes on steroids in every possible ecosystem.
Yes, Evolution News & Views provides a valuable service.